Idaho-Utah Border Clash 5/2/2015 - 5/3/2015

Men's 100 Meters Results


1Bowens, NicUtah State10.27104(1)
2Bluth, ParkerUtah State10.4384(2)
3Christie, RimarNorthwest Nazarene10.50 4(3)
4Fortin, SethWeber State10.7264(4)
5Bautista, JacobUtah State10.7544(5)
6Terpezan, AlexandruBoise State10.8824(6)
7Latimore, CorbanIdaho State10.9614(7)
8Carter, PatrickUnattached11.06 2(1)
9Oswalt, JacobNorthwest Nazarene11.13 2(2)
10O'Neal, CJUtah State11.21 3(1)
11Weidle, ChristianWeber State11.24 3(2)
12Keys, IanBoise State11.27 3(3)
13Malnes, JustinBoise State11.32 1(1)
13Hardman, KimballIdaho State11.32 3(4)
15Henderson, CodyNorthwest Nazarene11.35 3(5)
16Tencate, MalcolmIdaho State11.37 2(3)
17Mason, ZachNorthwest Nazarene11.45 2(4)
18Bertram, AndrewNorthwest Nazarene11.54 2(5)
19Kamstra, MitchNorthwest Nazarene11.59 2(6)
20Warrington, DylanBoise State11.78 1(2)
21Wirtz, AlexCollege of Idaho11.79 1(3)
22James, DyllanIdaho State11.80 2(7)
23Edwards, JudeUtah State11.83 2(8)
Abon, TinoUnattachedFS 3()

Final Section: 1 Wind: 0.9

131Malnes, JustinBoise State11.32 
202Warrington, DylanBoise State11.78 
213Wirtz, AlexCollege of Idaho11.79 

Final Section: 2 Wind: 1.3

81Carter, PatrickUnattached11.06 
92Oswalt, JacobNorthwest Nazarene11.13 
163Tencate, MalcolmIdaho State11.37 
174Mason, ZachNorthwest Nazarene11.45 
185Bertram, AndrewNorthwest Nazarene11.54 
196Kamstra, MitchNorthwest Nazarene11.59 
227James, DyllanIdaho State11.80 
238Edwards, JudeUtah State11.83 

Final Section: 3 Wind: -1.8

101O'Neal, CJUtah State11.21 
112Weidle, ChristianWeber State11.24 
123Keys, IanBoise State11.27 
134Hardman, KimballIdaho State11.32 
155Henderson, CodyNorthwest Nazarene11.35 
Abon, TinoUnattachedFS 

Final Section: 4 Wind: 0.4

11Bowens, NicUtah State10.2710
22Bluth, ParkerUtah State10.438
33Christie, RimarNorthwest Nazarene10.50 
44Fortin, SethWeber State10.726
55Bautista, JacobUtah State10.754
66Terpezan, AlexandruBoise State10.882
77Latimore, CorbanIdaho State10.961