NNU Invitational Track and Field Meet 4/19/2014

Men's 200 Meters Results


1Christie, RimarNorthwest Nazarene22.014(1)
2Oswalt, JacobNorthwest Nazarene22.654(2)
3Whitfield, MalikCollege of Idaho23.083(1)
4Ellis, EdmundCollege of Idaho23.333(2)
5Mason, ZachNorthwest Nazarene23.344(3)
6Poston, DaxUNAT-Treasure Valley CC23.403(3)
7Bertram, AndrewNorthwest Nazarene23.603(4)
8Herrera, SalEastern Oregon23.643(5)
9Fronk, JohnCollege of Idaho23.774(4)
10Hatfield, ZacTreasure Valley CC24.073(6)
11Butler, ThomasTreasure Valley CC24.142(1)
12Wirtz, AlexCollege of Idaho24.183(7)
13Williams, TylerTreasure Valley CC24.682(2)
14Andersen, KerbyEastern Oregon25.252(3)
15Moore, KylerTreasure Valley CC25.282(4)
16Gonzales, RonnieTreasure Valley CC25.402(5)
17Dursunov, RavshanTreasure Valley CC27.191(1)
say, DarrynUNAT-Treasure Valley CCDNS2()
Johnson, NolanTreasure Valley CCDNS2()
Jackson, DeAndreTreasure Valley CCDNS2()
Busby, CharlieEastern OregonDNS3()
Morelli, StevenBSU TCDNS4()
Ochoa, IsaacChrist lifeDNS4()
Henderson, CodyNorthwest NazareneDNS4()
Harris, DavidNorthwest NazareneDNS4()

Final Section: 1 Wind: -2.6

171Dursunov, RavshanTreasure Valley CC27.19

Final Section: 2 Wind: -3.0

111Butler, ThomasTreasure Valley CC24.14
132Williams, TylerTreasure Valley CC24.68
143Andersen, KerbyEastern Oregon25.25
154Moore, KylerTreasure Valley CC25.28
165Gonzales, RonnieTreasure Valley CC25.40
say, DarrynUNAT-Treasure Valley CCDNS
Johnson, NolanTreasure Valley CCDNS
Jackson, DeAndreTreasure Valley CCDNS

Final Section: 3 Wind: -1.6

31Whitfield, MalikCollege of Idaho23.08
42Ellis, EdmundCollege of Idaho23.33
63Poston, DaxUNAT-Treasure Valley CC23.40
74Bertram, AndrewNorthwest Nazarene23.60
85Herrera, SalEastern Oregon23.64
106Hatfield, ZacTreasure Valley CC24.07
127Wirtz, AlexCollege of Idaho24.18
Busby, CharlieEastern OregonDNS

Final Section: 4 Wind: -1.4

11Christie, RimarNorthwest Nazarene22.01
22Oswalt, JacobNorthwest Nazarene22.65
53Mason, ZachNorthwest Nazarene23.34
94Fronk, JohnCollege of Idaho23.77
Morelli, StevenBSU TCDNS
Ochoa, IsaacChrist lifeDNS
Henderson, CodyNorthwest NazareneDNS
Harris, DavidNorthwest NazareneDNS